Certification Assessment Fees

PRICE: $75

DESCRIPTION: This fee covers the cost of the assessment and feedback on your journal, worksheets and videos submitted from the online course work.

Click here to see the requirements for TAGteach certification

Please contact annew@tagteach.com for instructions on how to submit your materials for assessment.

PRICE: $75

DESCRIPTION: This fee covers the cost of the assessment and feedback on your journal, time log and videos submitted.

Click here to see the requirements for TAGteach certification

Please contact annew@tagteach.com for instructions on how to submit your materials for assessment.

PRICE: $100

DESCRIPTION: This fee covers the cost of the assessment and feedback on your journal, time log and videos submitted.

Click here to see the requirements for TAGteach certification

Please contact annew@tagteach.com for instructions on how to submit your materials for assessment.