Love teaching humans as much as you love training dogs!
How to Teach the Human End of the Leash

The dog training part is easy, right? Join us in San Diego CA so that you'll learn how to teach humans just as well as you can teach the dogs.
This full day, high energy event will be led by TAGteach co-founder Theresa McKeon. You'll learn to love your job even more when you know how to get the most from your students and have fun at the same time.
What will TAGteach do for me?
Do you feel frustrated when it seems that there isn't enough time to teach all that your students deserve because of inattention or backtracking over material already covered?
Do you wish that your students would just get it right the first time?
TAGteach gives you the tools to simplify your instructions, use fewer words, give immediate feedback and get fast results. You'll be able to communicate effectively with dog owners in class and see success at each step.
Experienced dog trainers around the world have attended TAGteach seminars and have been amazed at the difference it's made in their teaching and in their businesses. Watch this video with Maggie Ouillette to tell you about how she got started with TAGteach and why she likes it so much for teaching dog training skills.
I just attended the TAGteach Primary last weekend. I cannot say enough wonderful things. I tried out TAGteach with both my group and private dog training clients. It has made an enormous difference! Every single client gave me positive feedback without me asking them. Every single one. I am floored. I have been able to accelerate my classes so fast that I now have to completely rewrite the schedule.
Jennifer Pennington CPDT-KA Lead With Fun Dog Training
I used TAGteach in each of my classes this week. It worked the best on my drop-in obedience class which is a mix of skills (dogs and humans). It's difficult to make progress at times with such a class. I love this method!
Helen Dohrmann KPA CTP Training You With Your Dog

Here's a free gift from us! Download our TAGteach goal planner. This will help you to define attainable teaching goals that will give you and your learners success the first time. Everyone loves success! This planner will help you make sure that you have the three key elements in place to supercharge your learning environment.
What goes on at a TAGteach seminar?
Your TAGteach Instructor will explain the concepts and principles in a fun and engaging way with lots of examples.
TAGteach is well-known for using lots of video. You'll get many opportunities to study video examples of TAGteach in action in a variety of different applications.
Hands-On Activities
You'll have lots of fun doing hands-on activities. There are no long lectures at a TAGteach seminar. You'll get up and practice more than you'll sit and listen.
Solving Real-Life Teaching Challenges
Bring your teaching challenges and the group will brainstorm solutions and role play to test these out. People come from all kinds of difference backgrounds and the wealth of experience in the room astounds us every time.
What You'll Get from TAGteach
If you're in a field where you teach people, you'll get these benefits from being able to use TAGteach:
- Fast results, right the first time
- Tools to communicate to learners exactly what to do
- The secret to using positive reinforcement effectively
- More success in less time
- Motivation for your learners to self-assess, cooperate and try their best
- Fun and enjoyment for you and your learners
- Re-energize your teaching - you'll love your job even more!
- Less talking, more teaching